Monday, December 20, 2010

Input and Output

A little while ago, I wrote on the subject of blogging etiquette (for priests), and like all good men, failed to practice what I preached!

Blogging is an ever accelerating thing for many of us. When I started this game last year, I posted once every couple of days, and was mind-set on not exceeding that. This has manifestly changed over the course of the months, and three posts every day is not wildly uncommon. However, there is only one time-cake.

One former habit of choice was sacrificed to the blog-gods so that I had more time, and the next hammer to fall will be upon the heads of my children, so I am required therefore, to make an adjustment now! This also falls within the scope of a life change that I wish to make in general. From the new year one day of every week will become a day of self-denial. In blogging terms, that means the intoxication of 'being read' can be put aside in favour of being a reader to others. 

In short, I am going to cease output on a day a week so that I can add input to the work of others. In line with my belief that [priest] bloggers are [morally] obliged to read [blogs] as much as they write [posts], I will change my own balance to more adequately reflect my own belief. I read other blogs very little, all the while hoping their their authors read (and recommend) mine. Not cool! I do this for three reasons: 
(1) I think it is the right thing to do
(2) Other bloggers are worthy of being read, and to miss them is often a crime
(3) My own words can only be augmented by reading more

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